Why Choose Svelte MiniApps?

- Install When You Want
While they work great in the browser, you can also install them as PWAs. It's like having native apps that don't eat up your system resources - the best of both worlds.
- Svelte-Powered Speed
We chose SvelteKit because it's blazing fast and fun to work with. The result? Tools that load instantly and run smoothly, making your workflow feel effortless.
Data Management & Troubleshooting
Our app includes a powerful "Nuke Button" that allows you to clear all cached data, including service worker caches and local storage. This is especially useful if you encounter any caching issues or need to reset the app to its default state.

Clear all cached data, including service worker caches and local storage Reset the app to its initial state when experiencing issues Unregister service workers for a fresh start Automatically reload the app after clearing data
Use this feature if you encounter any caching issues or need to reset the app to its default state.
Explore a Range of Tools:

Our collection covers a wide variety of use cases, from basic tools like unit converters to more complex ones like persistent to-do lists.
Browse the available apps and discover ones that can enhance your workflow. Dive into the code and learn from the examples to build your own mini-apps
The "Aha Moment" Behind Svelte MiniApps:
We've all been there - wrestling with a complex framework for a simple task. Svelte MiniApps were born from the frustration of heavyweight solutions for lightweight problems.
We wanted something modular, efficient, and focused on getting the job done, just like that trusty screwdriver you use all the time.

The SvelteKit Advantage: When I discovered SvelteKit, it was love at first sight.
Its elegant simplicity and powerful features made it perfect for building
these focused tools.
Less is More: Each app solves one problem really well. No feature bloat,
no confusing interfaces - just clean, effective tools that respect your
time and attention.
Growing Together: Every mini-app taught me something new about Svelte. Now, I'm
sharing these lessons through code, hoping others can learn and build
upon them.
The Future of Svelte MiniApps: What's Next?

Svelte MiniApps is an ever-evolving project, and you hold the reins!
Your Ideas Matter: This project grows with your needs. Have an idea for
a tool that would make your life easier? Let's build it
Building Bridges: Imagine a community where developers share their mini-tools, learn from
each other, and collectively make development more enjoyable.
More Tools Coming The toolbox is always expanding! I'm constantly working on new
mini-apps based on real-world needs and community suggestions.
Join the Journey Whether you're a Svelte enthusiast or just getting started, your
perspective is valuable. Let's collaborate and make these tools even better!
Svelte MiniApps is built with the help of these amazing open-source projects:
The framework powering this application, providing routing, server-side rendering, and more.
Visit WebsiteShadcn UI
Beautiful, accessible, and customizable UI components for Svelte applications.
Visit WebsiteLordicon
Powerful animated icons library that brings life to the user interface. Note: Lordicon is not open source, but offers free usage with attribution.
Visit WebsiteTailwind CSS
A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
Visit WebsiteBits UI
Accessible, unstyled components for building high-quality Svelte applications.
Visit WebsiteCarta
Carta is a lightweight, fast and extensible Svelte Markdown editor and viewer. It is powered by unified, remark and rehype. Check out the examples to see it in action. Differently from most editors, Carta does not include a code editor, but it is just a textarea with syntax highlighting, shortcuts and more.
Visit WebsiteWe are grateful to all the open-source contributors who make these tools available to the community.